A six week online programme

Nurturing Sleep Solutions Programme

Find ease, energy, and enjoyment in mothering your baby for 6-18 month-olds in just six weeks

A six week online programme

With Anna Bracher

Go from repeat and frequent night waking’s to minimal night waking’s in just six-weeks.

you've tried it all

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What to Expect

An Introduction to The Nurturing Sleep Solutions Programme

Play Video about Anna Bracher - Private Health Visitor and sleep consultant

you've tried it all

Does this sound familiar?

Anna Bracher Gentle child Sleep Methods
unscrambled what's really missing to establish a solid sleep routine for you and baby, that other programmes, books and resources may have overlooked.

what to expect

What’s Included?

"This program is a game changer for our whole day, it has helped me connect with him on a much deeper level..."

“We were having a multiple night wakings and long split nights. He was waking early hours of the morning often 3am- 4.30am was the average he time hr would wake plus before that waking very frequently. Nights were unsettled. Day naps he would settle with me but I couldn’t put him down. I would put him down and he would wake straight away so I felt like he couldn’t be on his own at all. When he was waking up he was very distressed. Zero to screaming. He was waking up, standing up, really crying, really upset wasthe other issue. He would be panicked, so struggling with separation anxiety. I was really struggling. I tried
a few things I had been taught but it wasn’t working. I felt I had tried everything and nothing seemed to be working. (the course) has been a game changer for our whole day, it has helped me connect with him on a much deeper level even though my time is split, we are feeling more connected, he is feeling less stressed, he doesn’t have big night wakings where he is waking up screaming and his sleep is a lot better.”

My Gentle Approach

Expert & Evidence based solutions

You can feel confident knowing that you will be accessing proven strategies and solutions affirmed by peer-reviewed research, paediatricians, and experts. Anna is a professionally accredited and a qualified UK registered nurse and health visitor.

Foundation Building

Building a solid foundation for good sleep habits will set up for success. This will give you the confidence to improve your baby’s sleep health, as well as your own.

Gentle and Nurturing

Nurturing Sleep Solutions is a "no-cry" approach for first time parents of 6-18 month olds. This online sleep course encourages snuggling, connection, or rocking your little one while you lay a solid sleep foundation.

Customisable & Flexible (Not a one size-fits-all approach)

In order for you to see this course through I have made it as accessible and flexible to the unique needs of you and your baby.

did you know?

Over 70% of babies aged 6-18 months wake at least 1-3 times per night. Only a very small percentage sleep through the night.

Kind words


Megan & George
Tired Parents
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“We contacted Anna when Remi was 14 months, still waking every hour and only co sleeping. Anna took a very detailed history and worked with us over 6 weeks to make small and gentle changes. False starts have drastically reduced, she starts the night in her own room and now we often get 4 hour stretches. This is absolutely fantastic for Remi and makes the world of difference for us. Anna was knowledgeable, kind and compassionate; and her nursing background only adds to her credentials. We would totally recommend working with Anna if you are struggling with your little ones sleep “
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Thank YOU! Just after we finished working with you, Maisy had her first night of sleeping all the way through without waking!! Other nights she has been waking for just one feed around 4am. Her naps are also in a very consistent pattern at 9.15, 12.30/1 and 4.30/5 which has made planning our days much easier!
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“Thank you Anna for being the calm and reassuring person I needed to speak to about my 9 month old inconsistent sleep/ napping. Struggling with sleep deprivation and panicking over social media/ googling around sleep myths and do’s and don’ts you helped me trust my own instincts and have given me confidence to follow his lead. WE now ave a much happier, mummy, daddy and baby!”

jump on a call with me

Still not sure it's right for you?

I understand that you’ve probably already invested your hard earned time and money into many other courses, programs, books and videos: That investing in more can feel like money down the drain. For that reason I’m happy to jump on a quick 15 minute chat to see if Nurturing Sleep Solution is the right program for you and your baby. I want you to get the most out of the programme and by the end of our call (even if we decided it might not be for you), you can confidently move forward knowing you’ve made the right decision.

Nurturing Sleep Solutions programme - Anna Bracher Gentle child Sleep Methods

did you know?

Nearly 80% of 6-12 months olds wake at least once, and most of them will feed at night.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a baby who is aged between 6-18 months of age and is waking up frequently at night or waking up for long stretches at night, this programme is for you.

I will be supporting you every step of the journey. We will have weekly group coaching call sessions with other like-minded mothers where you can have all your questions answered and get support that is tailored to you and your little one.  You will also get access to my Private Facebook Group where you can ask me questions and have the support of other like-minded mums!

In this program you will receive tailored support from me and will be guided through how to gently support your baby to sleep longer stretches at night. The main differences is with group programme you will be going on the journey with other like minded mums and you will get ongoing support from me to take you from frequent night waking to longer stretches of sleep.

Every baby and family is unique; while some families may start to see great results in the first week, others may take a bit longer. I typically recommend a slow and gentle approach to minimize stress for both babies and families. This approach tends to work well, especially for sensitive babies.

I have supported 100’s of families with unsettled nights. I am registered nurse and health visitor (public health nurse) with a Master’s in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (health visiting). I have also completed the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program which is OCN Level 6 qualification which is lead by Dr Lyndsey Hookway.

Yes! There is absolutely no sleep training or sleep teaching involved. I believe in only gentle and nurturing approaches to sleep. My approach does not involve any cry-it-out or controlled crying sleep training or methods.

No! Many families really treasure that time together to connect at the end of the day and can still see great results in improving overnight sleep. If, however, you feel ready to move on from feeding to sleep I can support you with that if necessary.

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